November 2007
Auf Veranlassung des /I\ Sacred Council of Sages of the Druid Order / Ordre des Druides and OCCTD
- Geis-Original-irisch – als pdf-Datei: Geis – original
- Geis-Original-deutsch – als pdf-Datei: Geis – deutsch
- Geis-Original-englisch – als pdf-Datei: Geis – englisch
- Geis-Original-französisch – als pdf-Datei: Geis – franz
Korrespondenz mit Michael McGrath zum Geis, August/September 2007
Weitere Informationen über Michael McGrath im Internet, Stand November 2007
Cosc Domhanda ar Micheal McGrath agus a comhphairteach
/|\ An Comhairle Beannaithe na Críonna Ord na Druithe. OCCTD
Is teachtaireacht é seo do na fíor Draoithe agus dóibh súid a bhfuil ag iarraidh beith ina fíor Druí.
Is rabhadh é seo faoi Micheal McGrath ó Cill Chainnigh, Éire, a téinn i ríocht mar Druí. Brionnaigh sé cháilíocht ar féin, ansin rinne sé a cás níos dearóil tríd an teideal ‚Ard Druí de – Teamhair, Cill Chainnigh, Mumhan, Éire agus an Domhain‘ a glachadh dó féin. Caithfidh aon Druí ionraic seachain an fear seo, agus a cairde.
Ní thugann Micheal McGrath fírinne, meas agus dúthracht ar ár roghadh slí beatha. Is Nua-Naitsíoch saoltacht é McGrath a bhfuil suaithemheonach go doimhin mar a léiríonn sé tríd a cumarsáid aibheiseach, drochmheas madrúil agus sotalach do gach rud a bhfuil beannaithe.
Beidh aon fíor Druí a mbíonn in aon comhluadar le Micheal McGrath i mbaol contúirt. Is rudaí gránna iad focail agus gníomhaíochtaí McGrath. Tá sé tar éis ionsaí a dhéanamh ar ainmneacha fíor Droithe Ceilteach arís is arís eile, Draoithe a beir barr ar aon rud a mbeidh McGrath nó a chairde in an aimsú.
Tá fios againn go bhfuil Gina McGarry agus Melvyn Lloyd (i comhaltas foirmúil le McGrath) ag dheanamh iarracht na daoine nach bhfuil abalta idirdhealú an cóntúirt a bhfuil ann le beith comhpháirteach lena leathmheabhrach diabhalach seo a chuir ar bhealach an aimhleasa.
Is rud greannmhar é go bhfuil Gina McGarry tar éis an teideal „Banríon Faery Ard Druí Teamhair“ a ghlachadh, le „ceadúnas“ ón faisisteach síocóiseach seo. Tá Mel Lloyd ag obair mar leas-druí le haghaidh McGrath, agus anois tá sé ag iarraidh eagrú Ord Druí Eorpach – ach beidh rud mar seo cruithithe ar bloc bréigeach ar bunchlochanna broinnaithe agus ní áit sábháilte é le haghaidh aon fíor Druí.
In ainneoin go bhfuil na daoine seo greannmhar duinn, beidh sé críonna do gach duine má déanann siad neamhaird agus seachain siad na daoine galrach seo. Beidh daoine cosúil le seo inar measc i gconaí, ag dhéanamh éilimh ar téideal agus stadús, ag iarriadh a féineacht a ardú, beidh siad ag truaillú an straith fíor eolas le haghaidh daoine dílis agus fiúntach.
Níl siad uainn.
Ní beidh siad inar measc.
As seo amach thugann muid tacaíocht agus cuireann muid chun cinn an „Cosc Domhanda Idirlíon ar Micheal McGrath –“. Tóg a hainm ó do leathnach nascanna, cuir cosc ar a riomh phoisteana agus ná lig le haghaidh aon cumarsáide le Micheal McGrath, Gina McGarry nó Mel Llyod.
Tá muid ag glaoigh ar aon fíor Druí agus ar na daoine a bhfuil ag iarraidh beith mar fíor Druí chun cabhrú leis an leigheasú a bhfuil ag taisteal uaidh McGrath, bh’feidir go cabhróidh sé le féineacht Gina McGarry agus beidh fios ag Mel Lloyd go aithnítear é mar camastaíl ríomh a téinn sé ag tóir ar cáil domhanda. Chuir ar aghaidh an „Cosc Domhanda Idirlíon ar Micheal McGrath –“ le do thoil, go dtí gach grupa a bhfuil aithne agat air leis an intinn chun coméid sábháilte gach Druí.
Leis an Solas de Fírinne
Weltweiter Internet-Bann für Michael McGrath und seine Gefährten
Auf Veranlassung des /I\ Sacred Council of Sages of the Druid Order / Ordre des Druides and OCCTD
Eine Nachricht an alle echten Druiden and alle, die danach streben, echte Druiden zu werden.
Diese Warnung betrifft Michael McGrath aus Kilkenny, Irland, der sich als Druide ausgibt. Nachdem er zuerst seine Berechtigungsnachweise fälschte, versucht er nun, seinen unberechtigten Anspruch noch weiter auszudehnen, indem er den Titel „Erzdruide von Tara, Kilkenny, Munster, Irland und der Welt“ angenommen hat.
Er und seine Gefähten sollten von allen aufrichtigen Druiden gemieden werden. Michael McGrath geht den von uns gewählten Weg nicht mit der Aufrichtigkeit, dem Respekt und der Hingabe, die dafür erforderlich sind. McGrath ist ein profaner Neo-Nazi mit gestörtem Verhalten, wovon seine schriftlichen Äußerungen, die beleidigend und vulgär sind und Verachtung für alles Heilige predigen, ein deutliches Zeugnis ablegen.
Der Kontakt zu Michael McGrath kann jeden aufrichtigen Druiden oder Aspiranten negativ beeinflussen und in Gefahr bringen.
McGrath’s Worte und Taten sind verabscheuungswürdig.
Er hat wiederholt den guten Ruf der keltischen Druiden in den Schmutz gezogen, deren Handlungen sich in ganz anderen Kategorien abgespielt haben als alles, was er oder seine Handlanger je zu erreichen hoffen könnten.
Wir wissen auch, daß Gina McGarry und Melvyn Lloyd (die in Verbindung mit McGrath stehen) versuchen, all jene in die Irre zu führen, die noch nicht genug Urteilsvermögen entwickelt haben, um zu begreifen, in welche Gefahr sie sich begeben, wenn sie sich mit solchen von ihren inneren Dämonen getriebenen Schwachköpfen einlasen.
Über Gina McGarry, die den Titel “Elfenkönigin und Erzdruidin von Tara” mit “Erlaubnis”dieses psychotischen Faschisten angenommen hat, kann man eigentlich nur lachen.
Mel Lloyd, der als Stellvertreter McGraths fungiert, versucht nun, einen europäischen Druidenorden ins Leben zu rufen. Eine derartige Organisation würde verlogene Bausteine auf gefälschte Fundamente setzen und könnte niemals ein sicherer Ort für echte Druiden sein.
Auch wenn wir über solche lächerlichen Charaktere lachen, wäre es klüger, wenn wir alle diese Fantasten meiden und ignorieren würden.
Leute dieses Schlages wird es wohl immer unter uns geben – die Ränge und Titel beanspruchen, um ihr Ego zu füttern und den Strom des wahren Wissens für aufrichtige und ehrliche Leute zu verschmutzen.
Aber sie gehören nicht zu uns!
Und sie sind kein Teil unserer Gemeinschaft.
Hiermit befürworten und unterstützen wir den „Weltweiten Internet-Bann für on Michael McGrath –“. Entfernt bitte alle Links, die auf seine Seiten verweisen, blockt seine E-Mails ab und unterbindet jede Kommunikation mit Michael McGrath, Gina McGarry oder Mel Lloyd. Dieser Aufruf an alle wahren Druiden wird es McGrath erleichtern, nach der Heilung zu suchen, die er benötigt, vielleicht auch das exzessive Ego von Gina McGarry kurieren und Mel Lloyd klar machen, daß er schon als Betrüger entlarvt worden ist, noch ehe er den ersten Schritt dazu gemacht hat, weltberühmt zu werden. Bitte schickt diesen „Weltweiten Internet-Bann für Michael McGrath – an alle Gruppen weiter, von denen Ihr wißt, daß sie die Absicht haben, alle traditionellen Druiden zu schützen.
Im Lichte der Wahrheit
Worldwide Internet Ban on Michael McGrath and associates
On behalf of /I\ Sacred Council of Sages of the Druid Order / Ordre des Druides and OCCTD
A message to all true Druids and to those who aspire to become true Druids.
This is a warning regarding Michael McGrath of Kilkenny, Ireland, who masquerades as a Druid. Having forged his qualifications he then embellished his miserable condition by assuming the titles of ‚Archdruid of – Tara, Kilkenny, Munster, Ireland and the World‘. He and his associates are to be avoided by all sincere Druids. Michael McGrath does not treat our chosen path with the truth, respect and dedication it requires. McGrath is a profane Neo-Nazi who is deeply disturbed as repeatedly shown by his abusive communications, vulgar contempt and irreverence for all that is sacred.
Association with Michael McGrath would contaminate and endanger any sincere Druid or aspirant.
McGrath’s words and actions are despicable.
He has repeatedly assaulted the good name of Celtic Druids who far exceed anything he or his ghouls can ever hope to achieve.
We are aware that Gina McGarry and Melvyn Lloyd (in formal association with McGrath) are attempting to lead astray those who have not yet developed enough discrimination to understand the extreme danger involved in associating with such demonically driven imbeciles.
Gina McGarry, who has adopted the title of ‚Faery Queen Archdruid of Tara‘, by ‚permission‘ of this psychotic fascist is an object of laughter.
Mel Lloyd who has deputised for McGrath, now seeks to set up a European Druid Order – but such a house would be made with fake bricks laid on forged foundations and could not be a safe place for true Druids.
Although we laugh at such ridiculous characters, it would be wise for all to avoid and ignore such infected people.
These types will always be among us, claiming rank and title to feed their egos and pollute the stream of true knowledge for genuine and worthy people.
They are not of us.
They will not be among us.
We hereby promote and support the „Worldwide Internet Ban on Michael McGrath –“ simply remove his name from your links page, block all his emails and allow no communications with Michael McGrath, Gina McGarry or Mel Lloyd. This call to all true Druids and to those who aspire to become true Druids will facilitate the Medical Healing that is needed by McGrath, it may also help cure the excessive ego expression of Gina McGarry and will tell Mel Lloyd that he is recognised as a fraud even before he seeks world fame. Please pass on the „Worldwide Internet Ban on Michael McGrath – to all groups you may know with the intention to protect all Druids.
By the Light of Truth
bannissement universel de Michael McGrath et ses compares
Au nom du /I\ Conseil Sacré des Sages de Celtie, l’OCCTD, instances suprêmes de l’Ordre des Druides / Druid Order
Ce message s’adresse à tous les vrais Druides et à tous ceux qui aspirent pour devenir de vrai Druides, et à tous ceux qui, observent la Tradition Primodiale.
C’est un avertissement concernant Michael McGrath, de Kilkenny, en Irlande, qui commet l’imposture de se prétendre Druide.
Ayant falsifié ses qualités, il a enjolivé sa misérable condition en usurpant les anciens titres d’ « Archdruid de Tara, de Kilkenny, de Munster, d’Irlande et du Monde ! ».(Selon ses dires, il est le plus grand Druide du monde !)
Tous les Druides authentiques et sincères doivent éviter de fréquenter Michael McGrath et ses acolytes, qui ne suivent en rien la Voie de notre Tradition avec ses exigences de respect et d’attachement à la Vérité.
McGrath est un mécréant sympathisant du Néo-nazisme, dont les communications abusives, le mépris, la vulgarité et l’irrévérence pour tout ce qui est sacré démontrent maintes fois de graves troubles du comportement.
Toute collusion avec Michael McGrath est compromettante et dangereuse pour tout être sincère.
McGrath est indigne tant par ses paroles que par ses actes:
Il a attaqué à maintes reprises le nom respectable des Druides Celtiques réguliers, dont les compétences surpassent en tout ce que lui ou ses suppôts pervers ne peuvent jamais espérer savoir ou accomplir.
Nous savons que Gina McGarry et Melvyn Lloyd (acoquinés avec McGrath) tentent de détourner ce qui ne leur appartient pas.
Ils sont pourtant suffisamment avertis de l’extrême danger qu’ils courent en s’accointant avec des inconséquents pervers.
Gina McGarry, qui a usurpé le titre de « Faery Reine Archdruid de Tara », avec la « caution » du psychotique fascisant, ne mérite que la dérision !
Mel Lloyd, qui assure « l’intérim » de McGrath, cherche maintenant à promouvoir un nouvel « Ordre des Druides européen » – mais une telle structure, fondée sur le mensonge, est une grossière contrefaçon, une dangereuse imposture portant préjudice à la vraie Tradition des Druides.
( Les vrais Druides sont déjà unis dans un seul et même Ordre existant depuis plusieurs millénaires !)
Bien que le caractère ridicule d’une telle mascarade prête à rire, il est bon d’éviter une telle contamination des esprits.
De tels individus voudront toujours s’infiltrer parmi nous et y réclamer reconnaissance pour nourrir leur ego pernicieux et vouloir polluer la Source de la Vraie Connaissance, apanage des êtres authentiques et dignes.
Ils ne sont pas des nôtres.
Ils ne seront jamais des nôtres.
Nous décrétons donc le bannissement Mondial de Michael McGrath –“ Enlevez ce nom de tout lien sur les pages de vos sites Internet, bloquez tous ses e.mails et proscrivez toute communication avec Michael McGrath, Gina McGarry ou Mel Lloyd. Cela facilitera la psychothérapie nécessaire à McGrath, mais aidera aussi Gina McGarry à tempérer son ego hypertrophié et fera comprendre à Mel Lloyd qu’il n’est qu’un vil imposteur avant qu’il n’acquière une réputation plus grande. Prière de diffuser le bannissement mondial de Michael McGrath –
Près de toutes les personnes vous connaissez afin de protéger la vraie Tradition des Druides.
Par la Lumière de Vérité
Korrespondez mit Michael McGrath zum Geis, August/September 2007
Mister Michael Mc Grath wrote to us concerning the Geis:
Sent: August 21, 2007
Subject: Das “ Geis “ ist falsch !
Das „Geis“ ist falsch. It is written by the false „Druid“ Con Connor, who is banned from all Orders of Druids in Ireland by my Command.
The Geis is written in vengeance by one who is not an Irish Druid – Con Connor, together with his boyfriend Dr. James Dwyer , who is also born in the U.K.
Both Con Connor and Dr. Dwyer are British and not Irish. The „Geis“ is false, it is black propaganda, not recognised by Irish Druids. is not Irish Druidry, it is not recognised by Irish Druids either.
T^ruth, Honour, Justice !
Do Chara,
Keltia wrote back:
Sent: August, 30, /2007,
Dear Michael Mc Grath
We will take your text on the homepage if you like.Please tell us from where you got the rank of a Druid.
Best wishes from Comardiia Druuidiacta Garmaniia Durballeus
Michael Mc Grath wrote this explanation as answer:
Elected on the Hill of Tara by 700 Irish Druids, Community & Pilgrims. Initiated as an Irish Druid by Hereditary & Traditional Druids of Ireland 1992. All Irish media coverage and recognition. Acknowledged in Michel Raoult’s book „Les Druides“ – as your Order is. Recognised and elected a Member of the Council of British Druid Orders, December 1995. Hereditary Druid of the Clanna Bui of Portlairge, of the Deise, Ireland, born as the Osrai, from the last Heredirary Line of Druids surviving in Ireland. Con Connor is not birn in Ireland, he is English, neither is Dr. Dwyer who is UK Channel Islands. , neither therefore have the Right to pronounce a Geis on Ireland, on any Irish Druid, or on any person within the realm of Ireland. If that be so we of the ODI could pronounce a Geis on a German Druid, Druid Order, or even on the whole of Germany itself, or any other country we choose – we do not in this modern age pronounce a Geis on anybody. That is childish, silly and stupid.
Do Chara,
Michael McGrath
Archdruid of Ireland.
The Geis is not recognised and is rejected by all the Druids of Ireland and Britain.
Because this explanation seems very strange the answer was:
Dear Mr McGrath
Your letter leaves us with a lot of questions. Until now you did not really explain from where you got the Title of a druid. In my opinion it is very astonishing that you have been elected by 700 Druids! Can you tell us from where they all came in the most catholic land of Europe?
You mentioned a line of Druids surviving in Ireland. Excuse me, but I cannot believe this. During all these years I have never heard such a thing. Also the Druid orders we have contact with do not know anything about this.
You also mentioned that you are a member of the Council of British Druid Orders. Therefore we are surprised that you think English people do not have the right to put a Geis on Irish people under important circumstances. Druidism is an international religious system with many groups around the world, although a geis may not be the correct answer.
The idea that somebody is banned by your command seems very strange to us. This is usually a decision of a Council of Druids –not done by an individual person! Also is a geis not only a decision of 2 people.
We believe that Druidry is a religion of peace and wisdom. But it is necessary to differentiate between truly religious people and fakes and wannabes on the other side. Druid orders usually have a chosen chief and not just someone who acts as some kind of Archbishop/Archdruid alone. I am happy to say that we do not need pope-like figures or leaders in our natural religion.
Because we do not want to treat you or anyone else wrong I ask you again: Please explain to us from which group you received the allowance to call yourself a Druid. Do you really have a traditional background or have you built this order by yourself ?
Mr. McGrath, I ask you again for honest answers to our questions. The last words in your letter were “Truth, Honour and Justice”. These are aims that all Druids share and as it is also said – The truth before the world! So be it.
Awaiting your response
for Comardiia Druuidiacta Garmaniia
Druid Durballeus,
Michael Mc Grath wrote:
A Chara,
I find your reply to my good letter to me to be of an extremely accusitorial and judgemental nature.
To quote my colleague, The Archdruid of Dublin, Anrai O’Raghallaigh: „We Irish Druids have no need of any outsider to come in here and teach us anything. „
My Membership of the Council of British Druid Orders, CoBDO, was offered to me years ago by the entire Council of CoBDO, and though I play a central co-ordinating role between the Druids of these Islands, united again as in ancient times, I regard this invitation as a singular recognition by British Druids of the Central role I played in securing Agreement for the Peace of Tara as declared between all Irish and British Druids on the Hill of Tara on Midsummer Day 1997. It is a Badge of Honour.
That is important that the Peace be observed for all time.
That Ceremony was organised solely by the ODI, and nobody else in Ireland, as there was no other Druid Order in Ireland at that time.. I am the Reviver of Druidry in Modern Ireland.
This childish Geis is not recognised by the massed Druids of Ireland and Britain – it is a Farce. Nobody controls Irish Druidry, nor our internal affairs, except the Irish Druids through me, their democratically elected Chosen Chief. , Hereditary Druid of the Clanna Bui of Portlairge, the Last of my line, in descent through An Filidh Andrias MacCraith of ThurMhumhan, one of my noble Druidic ancestors.
We Irish Druids are not modern pagans for our ancestors were not modern pagans !. Furthermore we do not indulge in extremist left-wing politics which the Irish People have rejected completely , in every General Election since the Foundation of the State, as we reject all forms of extremism, racism and fascism.
My competitors here are in fact British nationals, not recognised by any of the many British Druid Orders, and Unknown in Ireland. They are Merchants selling a False Druid Course which is not Irish Druidry or any kind of Druidry.
They are now in the process of being rejected in the U’S.A. It seems to us that they will now have to appeal for support as far afield as Australia and New Zealand, with whom we already maintain excellent relations.
Our relationship with Breton and French Druids is maintained through our mutual membership of CoBDO on an International basis via my colleague, the famous English Lady Druid, Liz Murray, Liaison Officer, CoBDO. Our competitors, both of them, have membership of one single Druid Grove in the Auvernge region of France, completely unknown to us hitherto, also unknown to CoBDO etc in Britain, and by all American and Australasian Druids.
Further our competitors, the Merchants of Druidry (sic) are guilty of cyberstalking against me and my colleagues right across the Internet, a matter now in the capable hands of my solicitor and An Garda Siochana, the Irish Police, including this laughable Geis business, which has now been rejected as Nonsense by all American Druids, Druid Orders and American Druid websites.
It was also rejected out of hand by King Arthur Pendragon, Druid King of England when they submitted it to his website And all; others except yours.
Please do not misunderstand me when I tell you that you, or anybody else, will not submit me, the Lawful Archdruid of Ireland, nor any of my Archdruids or Druids to cross-examination, nor shall you interfere in the internal affairs of Ireland, our country or our Druid Order. We have no desire to interfere in your internal affairs, rather to be off positive assistabce of and when we can.
I have been to Germany, liked your country and your people and was made most welcome there, so much so that I look forward to returning someday.
I wish you well, so much so that whatever your decision you shall not be allowed to be held up to ridicule in Ireland as you do to me and some of my senior colleagues on your website. (We have German Associates too !).
You will find someday that you need the Druids of Ireland much more than we need you.
Consider that, and do whatever you wish.
Le gach dea ghui,
May you and your Order prosper.
May Providence bless Germany and her People.
In Service, and Wisdom
Michael McGrath
Archdruid of Ireland
Hereditary and Elected.
Chosen Chief, The Order of Druids in Ireland, The ODI
The Reviver of Druidry in Ireland
Honoured Assocoate, The Council of British Druid Orders, CoBDO.
(Ireland Officer)
An Coibhi Drui.
PS: ODI is not a religion or a church, so all members of all religions and chuches, regardless of class, creed, colour or nationality are free and welcome to join and support – we have many more than 700 now !
Also, the person who is in touch with you was in fact banned by the Council of ODI, which is still the only Irish Druid Order in Ireland, North or South. He is banned for life, banished from the community as Law practised by our ancient Irish Druid ancestors. No power on this Earth can reverse that banning. In any case 90% of Irish Druids are delighted he is banned. He harrassed and threatened Gina McGarry, The Lady Archdruid of Tara, among several other offences against Irish Druidry and Druids, and was given every possible chance to reform over a period of almost four years since he declared himself a Druid. . Instead of reforming, he has hot even worse !
Both UK Born Druids you speak of are not part of the great family of CoBDO. Furthermore they continue to pour insult upon insult on Druid King Arthur and also The Archdruid of Stonehenge, Rollo Maughfling. Chosen Chief of the Glastonbury Order of Druids. Nor are they Members of OBOD who maintain excellent relations with CoBDO, Philip Carr-Gomm himself having been a Founder Member of CoBDO. The two who submitted the Geis to you are, quite frankly, not acceptable by any Order of Druids in Ireland or Britain, though they are accepted by at least two small Groves in Ireland, and we have no objection. They have been invited as audience to our outdoor ceremonial, and they are always welcome to attend as such. Hope this helps.
Slan agus Beannacht, Michael.
Informationen zum Geis im Internet, Stand November 2007
Aussage von Stewart und Janet Farrar über den selbsternannten Druiden McGrath
Online-Publikationen 2006-2007 von Michael McGrath mit persönlicher Literaturliste,
Weltweiter Internetbann gegen Neo-Nazi und falschen Druiden, 30 Mai 2007